Ferguson Files: Baby, it’s COLD outside….

Yet we’re still here.  Yes, still holding vigils as the temps drop below freezing and falling fast.  Still marching, those that can in this cold.  And we’re still waiting….for the promised funding, promised programs, promised support, and promised help.  Might as well have promised us the moon whilst they were at it, for all the good it’s doing the ACTUAL protesters that have been out for months.  The ones who are “family” to each other now because we’ve discovered that “the man” is not always a man, but no matter the gender, there are thieves, cons, grifters, rappers, rippers, out of towners and some in-town folks who will do whatever they can to get a hold of some of that “movement money”.

They seem to affiliate with some that are trying to stifle the transparency they are demanding of the powers that be. Huge problem there is that if we don’t expose our own ba actors, you can be sure they will get front page treatment if those who support the status quo get a hold of the info.  Remember ACORN?  What happened to that nationwide network when corruption was exposed?  The problem with “not rocking the boat” is it’s exactly how we got to the flashpoint last August.

So, some words of wisdom from an old hand:  watch your wallet, don’t give more than you an afford to, chek the funding backer or non-profit “staff” payroll.

Yps, it’s a people’s movement, but the actual people?  Yeah, they are not feelin’ the love, just the Arctic blasts of February.

Ferguson Files: Memento Mori

It was a small gathering this past Monday night.  Consisting of mostly neighbors and the family that has sprung from the hearts of the protest.  There to stand vigil and remember.  Michael Browns’ grandmother was also there.  Yes, the one whos’ house he was visiting that fateful day.  She couldn’t speak, overcome by emotion still.  We waited a bit as traffic was thick and then, a few words, a few songs, a prayer as we shivered in the February chill.

It felt small, somehow incomplete as a commemoration of the last 6 months we’ve all gone through.  Many decided we’d meet in a bit across from thb

The Ferguson Police Dept., sort of for old times sake.  I and my photographer got there, said “hi” to Ms. Sully at Subway and wandered off tb

To find Chinese food.  Twenty minutes later, we’re back with our food and there are about 15 people there.  Some started across the street to the PD parking lot.  My partner and I rolled our eyes at each other, thinking, “here we go!”.  But we’d been wrong.  No police.  It seemed like the kids were drawing on the sidewalk and asphalt from where we were. (we found out later they were using washable chalk)  One thing is for sure, there weren’t any police running out of the building onto them.

A Lincoln Navigator sized SUV pulled up from the back of the PD lot.  He seemed to be riding right behind the chalker group and tailing the livestreamer Heather De Maia who is wheelchair bound due to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and totally unable to chalk.  The SUV stopped about 20 feet from where the driveway to the street begins.  An order was given for all to disperse, so the chalkers, livestreamers, photographers and protesters all complied and crossed the street to a private lot we’ve permission to be on.  By this time, another overly large SUV had joined the first one.  They just sat there until the last person reached the other side of a 5 lane street.  The last person was Heather, in her wheelchair.

Suddenly, the SUV’s screeched across the street so fast they could barely brake in time to avoid jumping the sidewalk.  I was certain someone was going to be run over, and that person would be Heather!  Her chair was just in between the bumper of a car IN the lot and the bumper of the PD SUV.  Behind the SUV came about 20 uniformed police, most with tazers already deployed.  The mob of police overwhelmed the small crowd.  An out of state photographer was smashed to the ground, along with his very expensive equipment. (Later returned to him broken).  Two people who were filming with their phones were roughly arrested as well.  (Their phones came back damaged) And then there was Heather, she was unceremoniously dumped from her chair, and while her chair was being searched, she was hit in the face, by an officer, resulting in her glasses flying over 10ft. into the roadway.  In amidst all this, there were shouts of, “Move and I’ll taze you Mother Fucker”, “Get your hands where I can see them or I’ll shoot.” “Don’t run or I’ll shoot!”  Remember, we are talking maybe 15 people in and out of cars, not hundreds.

They chased a minor 1/2 block and into a store in order to arrest “that little Fing n**** that ran off” (spoken by a black officer). These particular officers were assisted by 2 non-uniform men who came out of the Fire Dept.  When I, my photographer and another Legal Observer, started to move across the street to assist Heather and others, we were also threatened with arrest if we moved one more step.  Personally, I was trying to get to Heather’s Mom who was in her van watching them cart her daughter off and crying.  I was not allowed to do so, but I caught her eye and motioned for her to back up and come to the sidewalk we were on.

One aside: Heather does what she does because she feels she must.  She’s really good at it too.  Her mother, despite the fact she worries about her, supports her in her activism and livestreaming.  Her mother and I have become friends and her mother has come to understand that I will keep a special eye out for Heather during actions.  So, sometimes, she leaves Heather “with me”, though Heather is not in my charge or any such thing. Heather, is very much her own person.

Once the police had thrown Heather and six others into the backs of the SUV’s, and I do mean thrown, they retreated to the back of the PD across the street.  Heather’s mother and I immediately went to start demanding Heather have a medical evaluation immediately.  Her condition can kill her in minutes once an internal bleed starts.

After 4 calls and 45 minutes, Heather’s mother was able to go see her and eventually get her out.  She was charged with disorderly conduct and defacing public property.  Yep, 2 things she literally, physically can not do.

The others were detained and charged without being read their rights. They were charged with everything from “manner of walking” (covered in an earlier File), to destruction of police property and resisting arrest.  Pictures were taken, but not for the mug shot record.  They were taken for the “Known Agitators” Bulletin Board the PD put in downstairs.  Not a single pale face on it!

The interesting take away by all there was that this particular police action was severely, overly aggressive as if they now believe, in light of no charges or lawsuits etc. being brought against Officer Wilson or the Ferguson PD, they have a warped sort of permission to be as brutal as they want to be especially if they outnumber us, let alone out gun us…we are peaceful protesters after all.

Ferguson Files: Justice, Just this Once.

Today it’s 6 months since Michael Brown died, and we’re still counting.  Because nothing, not one thing has changed.  Nothing substantial anyway.   Oh, there’s been a few promises of businesses dedicating a project or office to be in Ferguson.  Some contractor has employed 50 people doing intake for the ACA Health Plans but he, and the menial jobs will be gone in a few days.  A grant finally came in to pay for the businesses that haven’t yet demolished their damaged properties to do so.  And, the City of St. Louis police department has shot more young black men.  And that same City?  Yeah, they are about take and demolish a historical, but black populated, neighbourhood thereby rendering 90 people homeless.  In a city that is trying to shut down it’s only dedicated homeless shelter.

Are you still with me?

The flip side of this is the 3.7 MILLION dollars that walked away from Ferguson and North County when the professional organizers , politicians, and not for profits took their cut of “fundraiser” money and ghosted.  Corruption and graft reigns wherever money is goal, not actually helping people and communities. So yes, both “sides” have added to the frustrated fury that is again building in the North STL City/County

Last night, during a conversation with a newcomer to the area, he asked me, “Why were they surprised at the grand jury finding?  Didn’t they know?”  I tried so very hard to explain to him that I’d asked the same question, of fellow protesters and myself, and what’d I’d found was:  We still, despite statistics, polls, and personal experiences, we still had a grain of hope.  We hoped, that, just once, just the one time, maybe, just maybe the “justice system” would work the way we’ve all been told it should.  That didn’t happen.  At least not in the view of most people I’ve talked to about this.  All they wanted was a public trial.  Not the monstrously conducted charade of a “transparent” presentation to a grand jury by  prosecutor, Bob McCulloch , that involved known perjurers, liars and fraudulent “witnesses and evidence.  Justice was all we were and still are, asking for.  Justice, just this once.

Ferguson Files: Yes, We do Actually Have Demands

And tonight’s meeting at St. Louis (not Ferguson, Berkeley, Florrisant, Jennings, ad nauseum) but at St. Louis City Hall was in an effort to hold a hearing with the public safety committee in order to form a civilian oversight & IA board/commission over the Police Dept.   The audience was a bit peevish about who got to speak first and who had to line up etc. but the meeting was progressing somewhat towards forming resolutions etc. to take to the City Board of Alderman and the Mayor.

As the meeting progressed, it became clear that the chatter was upsetting some folks in the audience.  Then, as a police officer was trying to give testimony regarding this issue, the chatter got a bit louder.

Suddenly, the Police Union spokesman, Jeff Roorda, jumped up and yelled at the committee chair, Alderman Terry Kennedy, “How about some order here? Do your job!”  To which Alderman Kennedy replied, “First of all, you don’t tell me my function!”  Then Roorda rose up and charged through the waiting crowd of people waiting to testify.  In doing so, he smashed into a young woman who’d turned to make her way out of the hall.  It seems she wasn’t moving fast enough for Roorda as he pushed her at least twice and somehow scratched her face. It was during the pushing incident that Roorda’s “I am Darren Wilson” bracelet could be seen on his wrist and this further inflamed the situation. I’m going to see if I can link in the St. Louis American’s reporting (traditionally black paper) with, if found, something from the Post-Dispatch and any local TV stations coverage.  I invite you to view it all, make up your own mind and please do comment.  Do know this, we have demands, we always have had them, but NOBODY is listening and NOTHING has changed.





Ferguson Files: When the Vultures Leave…

We’re still here, but I’ll bet you’ve not seen much of us on TV or other MSM outlets.  Why are we still here?  Because NOTHING has changed.  In fact, an uptick in violent crime that was happening before August 9, is now being called, the St. Louis Metro officials and police, “The Ferguson Effect”.  The chief of police in Ferguson has done nothing new and he sure hasn’t left town or changed policies.  The people are still out here and still waiting, but they are probably running out of patience more so than usual.

I say this because, today a fellow protester sent me her FB status along with an article from the Washington Times.  Yes, the Times is skewed right, but truth is truth and the financials are out there for folks to read.  I’ll let her finish tonight’s blog for me:

“From a Ferguson Protester<a REAL one

Dear so-called leaders and those who have taken advantage of the people in Ferguson and the surrounding St. Louis area.

Let this serve as your warning. We have kept quiet far too long.. We are now organizing….

Our mission is to hold YOU accountable. Demand transparency and honesty. Expose some of you and then remove you from what’s left of this ‘ravaged’ movement.

YOU sold your own people out once again. Allowed our movement to be co-opted, the original message diluted. YOU assisted outside organizations, corporations, and special interest groups, allowing them to buy their way into power, changing the agenda, shaping a new narrative all while you lined your pockets, and turned a blind eye. Too many of you allowed your focus to be redirected, as you ran off, abandoning your people to pursue personal ambitions after you were lured in by short-term fame and your pockets fattened from the money you solicited through all the different ‘go fund me’ accounts and ‘pay pal’ funding sources.

YOU stepped on the backs of the average committed protester, the foot soldiers, those who fought on the front lines of this movement since day one. Shot with rubber bullets, sprayed with dangerous chemicals, took a beat down, went to jail, etc.etc.. Those of us who have sacrificed the most, asked for the least, and was given NOTHING. Those who had to borrow gas money to make it to your actions, those who borrowed hats and gloves when it was cold, those who lost their jobs and suffered in their personal relationships because of their participation and those on the verge of loosing everything because of what they believe in. You know…..THOSE PEOPLE! – The true heroes, the strongest voices, and the real face of this movement.

The same people out here tonight, still involved in ‘meaningless’ actions. Giving CPR to a dead horse because they want to keep it alive. Hearts in the right place but, nobody has told them the horse does not belong to them anymore… It’s been sold…right underneath their noses! smh… but that’s ok because there is a group, determined to hold all of you accountable for your part in all of this.. and your day of reckoning is coming soon… very soon… One by one, you will ALL be put on blast! ‘EXPOSED’ and held accountable to the people of St. Louis. ” Mr. Soros gave $5.4 million to Ferguson and Staten Island grass-roots efforts last year to help “further police reform, accountability and public transparency,” the Open Society Foundations said in a blog post in December. About half of those funds were earmarked to Ferguson, with the money primarily going to OBS and MORE, the foundation said.
OBS and MORE, along with the Dream Defenders, established the “Hands Up Coalition”

Organization for Black Struggle, OBS, and Dream Defenders, as well as Hands Up Coalition split almost 3 million dollars!”

And the article that got her digging: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/14/george-soros-funds-ferguson-protests-hopes-to-spur/

Ferguson Files: Freedom of Speech is for Everyone

When Ferguson first exploded onto the scene, it was, at that time, based in anger and fear on both sides of the “argument”.  Anger at and fear of the police as well as anger at and fear of the people.  Not known as a compatible mix, so the corrosives were catalysed by one, and not the only one, death by police in the area.  Further actions, by the authorities to shut down the protected speech of those who were protesting framed the “argument” a bit differently, or should have, in my opinion.  The “argument” then became about protected speech and when it was “allowed” to be expressed.  Of course the ongoing examples, both here and across the country, simply made it easier to talk about the police and how bad they all were.  Just the way the “bad” examples of unprotected speech/actions made it easier for the authorities to crack down harder, making police be more brutal, leading to more “bad” examples.  Pretty soon, the argument had been framed as “anti-police”, which is the nicest way to put what’s been said on the streets in cities all over the nation.  Using that “ftp argument” led up to a disturbed young man attempting to murder his girlfriend and succeeding in murdering two NYPD officers.  And, well we all have seen how that’s worked out so well for the civil authority who’s nominally supposed to be in charge of the NYPD.

Later today, there will be a “We Support the Ferguson PD and Community Rally” at the Ferguson PD.  This “rally” is led by a  woman from Illinois, who comes from a town that is no where near St. Louis and is 97.8% White/Caucasian.  In other words, there are 2 Black people in her town.  Her rally is evidently going to be catered by St. Louis Bread Co. and the Fire fighters of Ferguson.

Imagine walking into a place you’ve not likely been to more than a handful of times with, and this is the truth, the actual Community that lives there and deals with this on a daily basis, does NOT want you there.  How do you expect the community to react?  And why would you do something like this more than a month after the last big protests in the area?  Where were you when the community actually needed you?  Where was the free sandwiches and coffee then?  The police and such are well paid, got tons of overtime and I doubt many of them are hurting for a meal, which is more than I can say about Ferguson where jobs, transportation, and other resources are not easily accessed.

But, freedom of speech applies to us all, or it applies to none of us.  That’s the way it works.  I may not like you coming up and saying ________, but I don’t have a right to stop you from saying it.  I may even vehemently disagree with your position, but you have a right to voice it even if it’s right on the side walk in front of my house.

My hope is that the people of Ferguson who’ve been out on the line for months will give the newbies a bit of slack.  Perhaps make sure they are informed that they may not be in the street when they are “rallying”.  That they must not jaywalk, stop traffic, spit on the side walk, litter, park illegally, be careful of  their manner of walking, wear masks or scarves over their faces (despite the temperatures), get to close to police or other first responders, or do anything else that the police suddenly decide interferes with police doing their duties.  Good luck on that last one.

If nothing else, I would hope that the Ferguson community could make an effort to actually get to know these folks who think the Ferguson PD needs a “rally” to let them know that predominately white towns in Illinois approve of what they’re doing in Ferguson.  It’s not like it’s news to us on the line and I’m sure it’s not news to Ferguson PD either.

I do ask, that the REAL Ferguson community, if any turn out at all, would be of a mind to protect the right of free speech for these strangers.  When we fight for a right, it’s for everyone, not just for some.  And since we’ve been fighting for justice and free speech, we need to make sure we fight for their right to justice and free speech.  It’s one of those things that make a “real democracy” a messy proposition.

Ferguson Files: People of the Movement “Miz Scully”

If you’ve actually been out on the lot for any amount of time in Ferguson, chances are you’ve met Miz Scully even if you don’t know her name.  She’s the woman who manned the Subway counter almost every night.  She came out each night to let the protesters know she was about to close, if they needed the bathroom or last minute food.  She even protested on her breaks or precious days off.  She treats folks like she likes to be treated and has a smile for everyone.

Now, here are some things even the die hards may not have known.  She is in the middle of fighting off cancer for the 4th time.  Her disabled husband lost his menial part time job, due to the fires in Ferguson, and hasn’t been able to find another position.  Due to this, she’s working extra to make ends meet whilst still doing chemotherapy.  He is currently unable to get disability due to his action 25 years ago.  He did his time, and he’s still paying for the “crime” (drug possession charge).

She lives with constant police harassment due to past and present affiliations.  Yes, she gets dogged because even the police noticed her shop didn’t get smashed so she must be “one of them protester sympathizers”.  She also lives with the constant pain of her illness as well.  The poverty she lives in cannot be overstated, but she’ll tell you she’s just grateful to have a job even though it puts her out of the reach of government programs like Food Stamps, though not out of the reach of going hungry.

Next time, if ever, you’re in Ferguson, across from the PD, get a sandwich from Subway.  Ask for Mizz Scully and tip her!


Ferguson Files: Lost & Found

This started with a conversation about the fact that we seem to have been a movement long enough for things to get lost along the way and there are some folks who get given the “lost” in hopes that we can get them back to whomever lost them. It always seems to be the “women of a certain age” or “moms” that those things get turned over to.   I myself have a child’s red umbrella, some art supplies, 3 jackets, 2 shirts and a stocking cap or two.  But those are just things, stuff, somewhat replaceable perhaps.  Then there are those things you lose that can never be replaced.

Myself, I’ve lost my marriage, house, friends, and family.  I know many others dealing with the loss of people they’ve known,or thought they knew for years.  Families have divided over it, jobs have been lost on principle, and because bosses don’t like your free time activities.  People have lost their faith in God, in the system, in their neighbours and co-workers. I think the personal losses hit the hardest, at least for me.

When I get too down due to the losses and the personal politics, I try and remember what my first teacher in non-violence taught me.  If you lose things/stuff because of your way of moving through the world, it only makes your journey easier as it lightens your load.  That load will only get lighter when you are in a movement as you’ll find new friends, family of choice, new avenues to travel on with others of a like mind.

That is a wonderful thing, but humans don’t like change as we are creatures of habit, so it hurts to lose things, change your way of thinking, adjust your life to new paths.  My only advice is to acknowledge the pain, grieve the losses, and then, get back up and carry on.  Cry if you have to, scream if you must and break some cheap crockery when you just can’t stand it any more.  Repeat as necessary and Keep on Keeping On!

Ferguson Files/Berkeley Bulletin

Actions are popping up all across the nation and, here in St. Louis Metro Area, the movement is reinvigorated.  Today a group decided to “inconvenience” people at the local airport.  That takes amazing courage considering just what kind of law enforcement can be brought to bear at an airport.  But it was successful.

About 7pm a lot of us sat down to a community dinner and wellness fair that had been pulled together by Mama Cat and Marta.  Lots of good food and great company was just the start of a fantastic evening.  There were masseuses, reiki healers, an acupuncturist, and even nurses doing health checks.  People table hopped, hugged, swapped updates on people still in jail or who’d gotten out etc.  We even welcomed new members to the “fam”, though I’m sure they’d rather not have had to join the way the Martins’ did.  In other words, probably much like a family reunion.

We, who’ve been out on the lines for months or only days, quickly learn who is who (though you may not catch their name) and what folks are about.  C can cook, A does a mean cocoa, J is loud, M is always live, L is helpful, H is a dedicated streamer, N is always in the middle of mischief, E is noting things for her artwork, B has his camera everywhere, P-C is good for a hug, M is writing poetry, K is doing healing art and on and on and on.

Yes, everyone is good for something and everyone can do something.  Please, look into yourself and find something you are passionate about and are capable of doing.  Then, take that first step outside your comfort zone and do whatever it is that you can and want to do in and with the movement.

Ferguson Files/Berkeley Bulletin Xmas Eve

I was just going to go to the vigil at 6pm with cocoa and hand warmers donated by SP-USA, but I was running behind and then, well, life happened.  In between the incidental, and individual emergencies of my evening, I was simply going to drop the hand warmers and leave as I’d missed the vigil and had no cocoa.  We had to get off the highway a mile away from the vigil due to police activity.  I and E. got out of the car on the corner, as my son went to find a place to park, and stepped right into a hot mess.

The protesters were in the middle of an action, after marching from the vigil to where I got out.  There was one other Legal Observer there at the time and he was not able to see everything, everywhere at once.  So, after the obligatory, “Thank God you’re here!”, we got to work.

Once the action was finished, the organizers decided to take the highway access road shoulder back to the start point.  We were followed all the way by at least 20 police cars of various jurisdictions as well as a line of officers marching directly behind us.

As we came to the crest of the road, which just happened to be the darkest section, the police asked us to move to the right so an ambulance could get through.  One woman went to the left of the line of march to try and shoo folks to the right.  Police yelled at her, she tried to explain what she was doing, they then tackled her against a concrete barrier and she fell behind a police car, where they arrested her.  Folks on that side said they tazed her, but I didn’t see it, so I don’t know.  I do know that she fell hard against that barrier. I also know that some mace was deployed, probably at her, as we all got a good whiff of it.

We made it back to the Mobil station start point, where there was a face off with the police.  Suddenly a commotion started in the strip mall parking lot behind us, where many of the protesters cars were parked.  The police followed and effectively blocked the group from re-entering the Mobil parking lot.  Then the police line moved across the street to the strip mall lot, where they threw out 2 lines of police.  Orders were given to disperse, but there was no where to go.

One young woman apparently was trying to leave and was chased down and tackled to the ground by a police officer.  Kneeling on her back as he handcuffed her, he then turned to the line of protesters who’d followed and flipped them off with both hands.  That was when he evidently realized he’d gotten Way out in front of the police line, though his fellow LEO’s moved pretty fast when they realized what he’d done and how far away he was with people in between officers and civilians.  IF we were as violent as we’ve been depicted, things would have gone horribly, tragically wrong right then.

As it was, the protesters retreated away from the police trying to get through and the officer with the attitude arrested another woman who was trying to check if the first victim was ok.

Later, as we stood on the lot, police rushed the group hired by the laundry there as protection and arrested two men for unknown reasons.  The girlfriend and an aunt of the victim were there tonight.  The aunt became overcome by grief at one point and fainted.  A nurse there rendered aid, but was then forcibly pushed aside so that police could surround the patient and do Nothing but flash their flashlights in her eyes.  Not a remedy for fainting by the way.  These are the same police who let the shooting victim lay unattended and bleeding out for 30 minutes the other night so our confidence in their first aid or even common humanity is not high.  Thankfully, she recovered her senses and was able to rejoin the group.

By about 11pm, we’d been cleared from the area though not without one last assertion of police authority in that they’d only let people go out one exit of the parking lot and go one way on the road. Not towards the highway, but back through housing areas.  People have learned hard lessons here and the “you can only go that way, but you must disperse.” has been used to cause folks to run right into police blockades on other intersections and blocks so if you are not “from here”, get to know the side roads.

Many thanks to E., B., T., and Stackizshort the live streamer on Ustream as well as the other live streamers.  Also, heartfelt thanks to Tom, Sarah, Karl and Michael for pulling hard duty on Xmas Eve.